13 Questions to Ask Your Employer
1. What are the dangers of my job?
2. Who will be training me in job safety?
3. Is there any safety equipment (PPEs) I need to wear? Do I have to buy them?
4. Who do I ask if I have health and safety questions? Is there a Health and Safety Committee or Health and Safety Representative?
5. What are my health and safety responsibilities?
6. What do I do if a co-worker or I get hurt?
7. Do we have a first aid kit? Is there a First Aid Officer?
8. What are the emergency procedures and where is the emergency equipment?
9. How do I report a health and safety issue?
10. Do we have health and safety meetings?
11. What is our harassment policy?
12. Am I covered by the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB)?
13. Do I have a union, and if yes, who is my Union Steward?